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Friday, December 3, 2021

Don't forget your camera (or phone) when you stop by the Amazing Christmas Village Friday, December 3, 2021.   Santa will be at the Amazing Christmas Village ready for pictures with your favorite furry friend.   Santa will arrive at 6:30 pm to visit with you and your furry friends.

Please remember that all pets must be on a leash or in a pet carrier while visiting us. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Aaron Qman is returning to the Amazing Christmas Village for the second year, in a row!  You loved him last year so we had to have him back!  For those who don't know him, Aaron Qman is an amazing Tenor Saxophonist & multi-instrumentalist. He will be at the village on Saturday, December 4, 2021, at 6:00 pm.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Join us at the Amazing Christmas Village for our 3rd storytime of this holiday season. Our Storytime is a FREE event. Children will be able to listen to a story about when Santa's reindeer are sick and Santa is searching for their replacement. We will also make a reindeer craft to take home. 

This event is sponsored by the  Amazing Christmas Village and Bucks County Commissioner Gene DiGirolamo

The Ginny Lee Dance Studio is coming for its 2nd-year to the Amazing Christmas Village. The dance studio has been in Bensalem for 53 years. Our dancers range in age from 3 - 18 years old. The dancers will be performing a special choreographed Christmas show.

Make sure to stop by the Christmas Village to see our fabulous young dancers.

Don't forget your camera (or phone) when you stop by the Amazing Christmas Village Sunday, December 5, 2021.   Santa will be at the Amazing Christmas Village ready for pictures with your little ones.   Santa will arrive at 11 am to visit with you and your children.

You may know Eddie as the lead singer from a local band called Nothing But A Nightmare. While with Nothing But A Nightmare Eddie gained over 100k streams and even opened a live performance for Andy Grammar. He will be playing solo at Amazing Christmas Village.

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